Wednesday, October 29, 2008

It don't take a whole day to recognize sunshine......

Common said it, and I must agree--- when something is good, you just know it's good. You don't have to think about it, or even think about thinking about it, it just feels right. The same goes for dating. We have all the time in the world to ponder these bad and obscure dates because they aren't substantial--they don't mean much in the scheme of things. Good dates on the other hand are different. To me, a good date goes by in a blur only leaving a feeling behind. Looking back, I find it hard to remember good dates because I am so engrossed in the moment that I'm not even aware of the details. I couldn't tell you what I was wearing, what I ate or what time I got home...

The point of this post, ( I swear this is leading somewhere!) is to address comments that we appear bitter or jaded. To be honest, I probably am, but I am also hopeful! In the midst of countless horrible dates, there have also been some wonderful ones. Just so you guy stop sipping the haterade (that's for you-know-who at work), I will tell you about the top three dates/guys of the past couple years....after I get a good night's sleep (and have another 12 hours to figure out what I'm going to write about ;). More to come!

xoxo Salty!

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