Monday, October 27, 2008

Dear Dude from Friday,

You might have had a chance when your friend tried to set you up with me at my pre-bar. You have goals and good taste in music. However, you did a few things that killed your game. Since you were so confused why I wouldn't let you touch my leg later that night in the cab, let me explain…

First you tried to kill my fish by dumping all of his food in the bowl…he’s still alive, but swimming on his side now. Not funny. You thought “Seagull” would be a good nickname for my friend. Have you no manners?

Finally, I knew you looked familiar for some reason! Why are you my Facebook friend already?? I never met you before…that’s super creepy. Yeah, I’m wondering why I accepted a stranger as my friend too, but this isn’t about me right now…and guess what, you have now been de-friended. So please stop posting status updates about how you want to be Mr. (me).

Hopefully I helped clear up your confusion.

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