Saturday, October 25, 2008

Meat is the way to my heart.

This past weekend a man who was slightly balding approached my friend and I at the bar. We told him in unison that we had boyfriends (a lie), but he continued hitting on us anyway, and even offered to grill us steaks that week. The offer made my eyes light up…I couldn’t help it. So I gave him my number.

I’ve been offered meat a few times before by guys. The best example is the sausage guy I met in Wisconsin (of course) at a beer garden a couple years ago. I was happily inhaling a bratwurst and a beer, and unfortunately caught the attention of an older guy with a mustache and a blaze orange hat. He noticed that I liked brats and said he was a meat distributor. I didn’t really want to talk to this guy, but for some reason I did anyway…and proceeded to give him my address so he could send me “some really good brats.” SO stupid btw.

A couple weeks later I’d forgotten about this encounter, until a UPS guy showed up at the door with a huge box…in it was about 100 frozen bratwurst (!?) and a few filet mignons (bonus!). Thanks sausage guy, for helping me gain 10 pounds in 2 months.
My dad, a psychiatrist and anthropology expert, says that back in the hunter/gatherer days the man who produced the most meat for a tribe was considered to be the alpha male and got all the ladies. Not that I would EVER date one of these guys, it did give them a little extra edge. Go meat.

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