Thursday, October 23, 2008

I'm currently wasting my time wtih a frat guy.

Here’s how it started. I’m a few beers deep after a football game tailgate and see this frat guy I used to know as an undergrad at the bar. He’s tall, cute, and wearing a pink polo shirt. We’re both tipsy, and immediately confess our past crushes on each other. Conveniently, he just moved to Chicago so we exchange numbers and make plans to hang out once back in the city. All promising so far…

For our first date we agree to meet for happy hour drinks. This was at least a step up from his original suggestion of lunch at a cafeteria-style Mediterranean place…which should have been a red flag, but I gave him the benefit of the doubt that he doesn’t know the city yet. I spend the first 15 min. of our date trying to get a drink from the bar while he’s shouting directions to a friend on his iphone. Classy. Then when he finally hangs up, this friend arrives…and she’s a girl. Umm, WTF.

Ok…maybe she’s here as a friend to approve/disapprove of me. The girl seems nice, but still, why is she here. I spend the next hour with a perma-smile plastered on my face trying to figure out which one of them I should try to impress. Is she more than just his friend? Is he hoping that this girl and I would bond and he would get super lucky later? Or he could be gay…I just don’t understand. I arrive at the conclusion that he’s either dumb or not interested and get out of there ASAP, not expecting to hear from him again.

But then come the texts over the weekend…and apparently he’s interested (or just drunk). I get a “you’re sexy!” and a “Hey hun, how’s it going?” He even called me “little one.” Ok weird, but yeah, he totally hearts me. Maybe he’ll redeem himself and ask me on a real date. A couple days later, he calls to chat. I ask him what his plans are for the week to get things going. He’s vague, and finally asks “well if you want to hang out casually, let me know.”

WTF does that mean? Casually. As in on the side? Does he have a GF? Umm, not according to Facebook. Sh*t, he just means hang out on the couch doesn’t he. I consider myself to be a low maintenance girl, but really?

I still haven’t decided whether or not to take him up on this generous offer. Maybe I will just for the sake of the blog. Stay tuned…
XOXO, Sweet

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