Wednesday, November 5, 2008

the bold and the beautiful.....

Let's begin by pretending I didn't write the last post....and move swiftly on to the events of this past week/weekend. To avoid a long narrative, I'll bullet the boy highlights:

  • Turns out I'm not the only one who likes to send inappropriate texts to inappropriate people at inappropriate hours (good thing the gentlemen in question is safely located on the west coast---WHEW)
  • Lawyer lad made a late night appearance on Friday and an early morning escape on Saturday ( I need to stop this).
  • Friday night I spent an hour chatting it up with this guy who I later saw making out with another dude in the corner (of course)....but he did call me the next day. Go figure.
  • The guy who ditched me for another girl last weekend sent apologetic texts that were ignored.

All this was Friday night. Saturday night was a little more interesting...which brings me to bus boy. Many moons ago I met this guy at a friend of a friend's house. He was cute, but taken, and that was about it.... fast forward 6 months. I move apartments and take a new bus route to work. Every single day I see the same guy on the bus. He looks familiar, but since I can't remember why, I just ignore him. A couple months after these daily sightings, I find myself sitting next to him on the ride home. In an attempt to be friendly I introduce myself and confess that I can't remember how I know him -- we went to high school together, right? Not so much. Turns out he was the cute guy from the friend of a friend's house. Whoops!

Anyways, we chat the whole way home and are getting along fabulously when my stop appears out of nowhere and I practically have to dive-roll off the bus. Needless to say there was no time to exchange numbers. I immediately call our mutual friend and tell her that I ran into him on the bus and ask whether he is still dating that one girl (I'm trying to avoid intentionally going for unavailable men). "No," she says "he's not, AND he asks about you all the time." Yay! So of course from then on I am super excited about seeing him on the bus and of course I never run into him again.....and then I move.

Accepting that this fellow is clearly not in my cards, I proceed to forget about him until our mutual friend confesses that he still asks about me (and that these inquiries are accompanied by a large bashful grin), and that he'll be at a halloween party she is coming in town for.

Faaaaaaaaast forward to Sat night. I am pumped to see this guy again for the first time since the end of the summer. When I arrive at the party, however, he is already several drinks into the evening and he may or may not have been accompanied by a "friend" who happens to be wearing the minist of mini skirts. I'm dissappointed that he is there with someone (even though I am assured that although they once dated, are are not anymore), but I decide not to let it ruin my night. My strategy is to just pretend he is not there--- even when he comes over in an attempt to talk, and especially when I find him looking my way.

Well, my strategy works, he clearly gets the hint and we don't talk for the whole evening. The next day, feeling a little bad, a little frustrated, and a little bored with all the boys in my life, I decide to just be bold and ask him out....he immediately texts back saying yes and that he'll call on Thursday or Friday. Eeek! Hopefully I'll have an update tomorrow....

xoxo Salty

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