Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Good dates come with a price

Sorry I’ve been MIA, just a little pre-occupied. Per Salty's post below, things have been kind of rough lately and I've had a lack of motivation to post anything. But I do have good news (sort of)…I actually went on a good date last week (seriously!!). Yes, I’m really capable of liking someone. The guy is super cute, nice, and funny and it turns out we have a lot in common. He’s even single (for once!). Just one problem…I’ve decided he is SO not into me.

I mean, I totally thought the date was going well, I wasn’t even drunk. He seemed to be having fun too. However at the end of the night I ended up paying for my half of the bill. Ok this is probably mostly my fault. The check came at the end of dinner and my immediate reaction was to nearly throw my credit card across the table at him and say we can split it. I have no idea why I did that, but it really bugs me that he didn’t protest at all…not once.

Usually on a first date I do the standard slow shuffle through my purse searching for my wallet thing until the guy says “don’t be silly” and covers it. I have to at least (pretend to) offer though to be nice. Anyway if this guy was really into me he would have at least tried to reject my offer to pay for myself, right?

Well things aren’t over yet. We probably should be hitting fizzle mode at this point, but I’ve decided to take this on as a challenge and see if there's any hope. I'm bored and of course the fact that he doesn’t like me that much makes him way more attractive (Sick, I know). The texting games have already begun…stay tuned.

XOXO, Sweet.

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